Deuteron Elastic Asymmetry:

The formula for the elastic deuteron asymmetry, that I was using in my analysis is taken from the Donnelly & Raskin Paper: Please see the following PDF: DeuteronDonnelly.pdf

Simon also contacted several theoretical physicists and they all agreed that deuteron Pzz inside 3He is 0 and not +1. I also found a paper on arxiv showing how the Pzz (rho20) and Pz (kappa) change with the momentum of the deuteron inside 3He (arXiv:1204.0425v2):

Comparing measurements to the data

We also made progress on comparing the data to the theory. Now we know how to properly use theoretical asymmetries provided by the Hannover/Lisbon group. However, at the moment, they are available only for the in-plane (phi_{pq} = 0) limit. For the comparison, Krakow in-plane results are also shown.

Simon also contacted both theoretical groups and asked them if they can provide more detailed calculations, considering more kinematic points, calculations for out-of-plane conditions, and calculations with different components of wave-function turned off (Work in progress!).

FARM analysis with new db_BB.mwdc.dat file

I ran analysis on FARM computers for approx. 60 runs. The analysis of these new data sets shown, that with the new DB file we get approx. 30% more protons (as expected), but only 5% more deuterons. Therefore, Simon and I decided to wait with this analysis and first deal with other, more important problems.
Last modified: 10/30/12