3He(e,e'd) Beam charge Asymmetry and Live-Time asymmetry:
NormAna class:
I spent quite some trying to understand and make work NormAna class.
Here are the results that I got with this class. Later I decided to
write my own code (on the level of the root files). I realized that
this would be faster than modifying it to my needs (exporting data
to root files, not just printing them to a console or log file; using
evscaler instead of scalers etc. ) In addition, with my code I can be
sure that it does exactly what I want and can be easily checked
and corrected (once I have root files, things work much faster.)
charge = (BCMcout - offset*time)/calibration
current = (BCMrate - offset)/calibration
Time is determined from 1024Hz clock. I took Yawei's calibration constants.
Results for #2300:
------------ NormAna Scaler Summary ----------------
Time of run 0.99 min
Triggers: 1 = 18782799 2 = 15945269 3 = 510199 4 = 11372 5 = 56871
Accepted triggers: 185982
Accepted triggers by target and helicity state:
(++) = 0 (+-) = 0 (-+) = 91472 (--) = 91764
Charge Monitors (Micro Coulombs)
Upstream BCM gain x1 691.52 x3 690.00 x10 691.00
Downstream BCM gain x1 671.88 x3 673.34 x10 677.88
Target + Beam +
Upstream BCM gain x1 0.00 x3 0.00 x10 0.00
Downstream BCM gain x1 0.00 x3 0.00 x10 0.00
Target - Beam +
Upstream BCM gain x1 340.73 x3 335.41 x10 328.91
Downstream BCM gain x1 331.04 x3 329.84 x10 327.34
Target + Beam -
Upstream BCM gain x1 0.00 x3 0.00 x10 0.00
Downstream BCM gain x1 0.00 x3 0.00 x10 0.00
Target - Beam -
Upstream BCM gain x1 340.59 x3 335.19 x10 328.69
Downstream BCM gain x1 330.86 x3 330.09 x10 327.13
------------ NormAna Trigger Summary ----------------
#Trigger Prescale Num evt Num in Livetime
#--- Factor CODA file Scalers
1 16777215 1 18782799 0.831
2 16777215 1 15945269 0.978
3 3 165239 510199 0.904
4 4 2102 11372 0.688
5 1 29036 56871 0.475
6 1 12957 27144 0.444
7 65535 0 0 0.000
8 100 519 60873 0.793
#Warning: T3 livetime is significantly different than the average.
#Warning: T5 livetime is significantly different than the average.
#Warning: T6 livetime is significantly different than the average.
#Warning: T8 livetime is significantly different than the average.
Weighted averaged livetime = 0.723 +- 0.208
Number of events = 200000
#Correction for non-sync of scalers = 1.075
Beam Charge analysis:
My code to calculate BCA: BeamChargeAsymmetry.C Please check for errors!
Ay Run #1339:
ee'd run #2300 (prod.)
When inspecting only a part of a run, my analysis is more accurate,
since I am using evscalers instead of ordinary scalers (ev. 140)
RunNumber: 2300
NumberOfEvents: 200000
Calibration Constants: calib_u3 = 6370.86, off_u3 = 490.003
Time of run: 63.874 sec.
Charge (ungated BCM) = 742.020000 uAs
Calculated Charge Sum (+/-) = 741.912479 uAs
Collected (h+) Charge = 370.344182 uAs
Collected (h-) Charge = 371.568297 uAs
Helicity Asymmetry = 0.001046 +/- 0.002254
Final Charge Asymmetry = -0.001650 +/- ???
Charge Sum (Gated Scalers) = 726.065252 uAs
Gated scalers (h+) Charge = 362.861456 uAs
Gated scalers (h-) Charge = 363.203796 uAs
Final Charge Asymmetry (Gated Scalers) = -0.000472 +/- ???
Beam Charge Calibration #2268 (Work in progress):
Due to the problem with BCM problem during ee'd experiment I can not
use Ay calibration constants, but need to determine my own calibration
Live-Time calculation:
LT = (TriggerCount_Coda * PSfac)/(TriggerCount_scaler)/unsync
unsync represents the factor which corrects the unsync of scalers and
collected triggers (unsync = bbretime_CODA/bbretime_Scalers)
In my analysis I considered BB scalers. Unfortunately we have only one good
pair of gated scalers for BB, due to the problems with the scaler module
My code to calculate Live time Asymmetry: LiveTimeCalculation.C Please check for errors!
ee'd run #2300 (prod.)
RunNumber: 2300
NumberOfEvents: 200000
PS1: 1.67772e+07, PS2: 1.67772e+07, PS3: 3, PS5: 1, PS6: 1, PS8: 100
Correction Factor: 0.99985
T3 Livetime is: 0.852821
T5 Livetime is: 0.73346
T3 Gated(+/-) Livetime Ratio: 0.996974
T5 Gated(+/-) Livetime Ratio: 0.998249
Quick Helicity Asymmetry for Empty-cell run #3154
Last modified: 10/26/11