3He(e,e'd) Analysis

1.) Finished Cell-Wall analysis:

Chi2 cut < 100:

01.) 02.) 03.) 04.)

Chi2 cut < 100 & VDC cuts:

05.) 06.) 07.)

08.) 09.) 10.)

From now on I intend use 4sigma target cut in my analysis.

2.) Tested Optics Calibration:

11.) 12.)

13.) 14.)


3.) Had some more FARM analysis problems:

a.) Can not analyze more than one raw data file at the same time in a single root script. This is another 64bit problem. Poors man solution: divided analysis into three root scripts.

b.) Results from the FARM and from my own computer did not match. The reason for the differences were old optics file and differences in BigBite Library. Now it works.

4.) Calculated first raw asymmetries:

RAW Deuteron asymmetries:

16.) Problem with target-spin-orientation signal. It seems to be flipped at the beginning of the experiment!!!!

RAW Proton asymmetries:


Asymmetry seems to have angular dependence. Asymmetries calculated with data from differet kinematical settings have different values at the same missing momenta!!!

Run #2280: (\theta_{HRSL} = 14.5, \theta_{BB} = 75 )

18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.)

Run #3000: (\theta_{HRSL} = 12.5, \theta_{BB} = 82 )

23.) 24.) 25.) 26.) 27.)

Run #3460: (\theta_{HRSL} = 12.5, \theta_{BB} = 75 )

28.) 29.) 30.) 31.) 32.)
Last modified: 06/15/11