Not Much show this week due to Computer Problems
(motherboard died)
BigBite TDC calibration:
On previous meetings I was talking about TDC problems. I could not find explanation
for the second and third line, that I saw in TDC vs. momentum plots. Now I think, that
understand where these two additional stripes come from. However, I need to double check,
if these events can be removed with cuts, or should I keep them.
TDC Threshold scan:
I would also like to determine how the set TDC thresholds (in mV) affects the E/dE plots.
For that I will use the TDC-threshold-scan data that we took during Ay (problematic data)
and at the beginning of ee'd. First I made Halog plots to see, how often we changed the Threshold.
This will help me to select proper runs to analyze.
MWDC HV-settings:
MWDC Threshold settings:
BigBite Track matching efficiency:
Up until now, BigBite library used only full hits in E/dE for track Matching (connect track in MWDC with
a hit in E/dE). By full hi I mean both ADC and TDC hits in both planes. If hit was not full (eg. a TDC hit was missing in the dE plane), track was not connected. I modified the code, so that also partial hits get considered (eg. Full hit in E plane and partial hit in dE-plane). To enable this feature I had to change code in the
ThaTriggerPlane class.
Example of a good (full) event: figure_event_33.pdf
Example of a partial event, that now also gets accepted: figure_event_34.pdf
If a track gets connected to full hit, the code gives hit a trHitIndex = 1,2,3,4,5, which tells us,
which track corresponds to which hit. Now, if a partial hit gets connected to a track , it gets an
index 100 + 10*a + 1,2,3,4,5, where 100 tells us, that we are dealing with partial hit and "a" tells us
which plane had a full hit (1=dE, 2=E). This way we can clearly separate different kinds (low, high momentum protons)
of partial hits from full hits.
Last modified: 01/26/11