BigBite Optics et cetera #21

In order to be able to find the matrix elements for the TgDelta variable, we decided first to calibrate ADCs and TDCs in the E and dE planes. This will allow us to apply additional cuts and precisely select events that will then be used for the final calibration of the TgY.

I am still calibrating ADC spectra for BigBite E and dE detectors. I have already gain matched PMTs on each paddle. Now I am comparing spectra from different paddles and trying to match them so that I will get in the end nice dE/E plot. So far I have been working only with paddles #4 to #15. Here are some of my results.

dE-plane Results: Paddle #12


dE/E plots (sum of paddles #4 to #13) before my calibration


dE/E plots (sum of paddles #4 to #13) gain matching only, whole bar


dE/E plots (sum of paddles #4 to #13), total gain matching with cut in the center


dE/E plots (sum of paddles #4 to #13) Geometric mean instead of arithmetic mean, whole bar

7.) 8.)

dE/E plots (sum of paddles #4 to #13) Geometric mean, with cut in the center


dE/E plots (sum of paddles #4 to #13) Final Results, whole bar

10.) 11.)

12.) 13.)




17.) 18.)

19.) 20.)
Last modified: 09/15/10