Meeting #123

Comparison with Pisa calculations:

We have received calculations from Pisa group. They are able to calculate approximately 4 kinematic points per week. So far we received approx 15 kinematic points. Now we wait for the rest. Michele says that they will be all available until end of June. Here are my first results, made with available kinematic points.



I started working on MCEEP again. I am trying to figure out, what causes this huge discrepancy between data and simulation:


I do not see inconsistencies only in one variable, but in several variables (phi_E', E' phi_q...), that are connected to each other.

For elastic ru, phi_d = phi_q, which is given with folowing equation:

phi_q = \atan( \frac{\sin\phi}{\cos\phi - E0/E'} )

I learned, that I can overcome all my problems, if I increase the measured E' momentum for 0.25%. However, I can not find a good argument, that would explain, why I need 7MeV correction. This is a lot of energy for electrons to loose! What shell I do?


We also had a problem with simulation of Reaction Point. The measured thata are flat, while simulation always returned a distribution with slope. I realized, that I can improve the simulation if I change the spectrometer acceptances closer to the nominal values.

Last modified: 06/05/13