Meeting No. 20

Normalization of the FFs

In our Skype meeting we discussed the problem with normalisations. You could see how important this is for the extraction of our radius. I was afraid that changing the normalisations of the FFs after already normalising the cross-section ratios to 1 brings unwanted bias to our analysis. My main concern was the following:

If the normalisation of the cross-sections would be chosen poorly, (for instance 0.5% away from 1) this offset is not compensated by the open normalisation of the FFs, because both ISR and FSR parts are contributing to the CS. Hence, because of mixed contributions to the CS we need to be careful how we transform the extracted CS ratios to the FFs.

Our CS ratios are scattered around 1. These small deviations from one we then correlate to the relative offsets of the FFs from a chosen model. In our case, Jan's model. In this procedure we assume that the whole shift is a consequence of the ISR part, i.e., form-factor at the given Q**2 point. This means, that we are intrinsically assuming, that FF at the elastic peak is precisely known and that this point matches exactly Jan's model. If this is so, then we should not change the normalisation of the FFs again, because then we change also the Elastic FF, which was already perfect.

Of course, without the elastic points it is a bit difficult to choose a proper normalisation. Two normalisations were considered: 1.) Normalising the average of each data set to one; 2.) Normalising the average of first two points to one. Since these two points are close to the elastic, one then assumes that also the elastic points is there. As you could see, these two normalisations give different values for the radius, i.e., 0.85fm and 0.89fm, respectively.

In the last few days I investigated this matter in more detail. Please see the attached Mathematica file and my hand written notes (that I will explain on the way).



Now let's change the normalisation of the data for "dn", which shifts both parts of the cross-section up, but we assume, that only ISR part is responsible for the change. We get Eq.D. Now let's see, what happens, if we put this into our algorithm, that we use to transform CS to FF. As mentioned before, we assume that the relative difference in CS dR is contributed only by ISR. Then we use Eq. E to transform from CS to FF. The factor a is obtained with the simulation.

Using Eq.D in Eq.E one sees that the relative difference in form-factor dGE is proportional to dn. If a=const than the relative difference is constant and this means than changing the normalisation really changes only the normalisation of the form-factor. If so, that we can leave the normalisations of the FFs open and determine them with the Minimisation algorithm. See Eq. G.

However, the parameter a is not constant but changes with Q2, because with Q2 the ISR/FSR ratio changes, as well the form-factors. For illustration see Eq. I. Using some estimates, the parameter a changes from 1 at elastic line to 0.8 at the end of the tail, mostly because ISR there contributes more than FSR to the cross-section. Influence of the FF itself is not so large. Hence, for the first guess, we can parameterise the change of the form-factor with a linear function as shown in Eq. K.

If we now put this into our model for the FF, we see that such function beside normalisation now changes also the radius, according to Eq. N and Eq. O. From this we learn that we need to be careful about choosing the right normalisation. However, from the analysis in the Mathematica file you will be able to see, that this is not critical, because of our limited precision on radius.

So. After this introduction, I redid the fitting of my data by leaving the three normalisations open, as you suggested. This shifted my radius to even smaller value, i.e. 0.81fm. Then I tried to see what happens to the result, if I normalise the CSs to the average instead of the first two points. Furthermore, I also investigated, how the result changes, if I introduce small positive and negative offsets to the cross-sections. I determined, that normalisations of the fits compensate for this change. The radius also changes, but only little, i.e., for far less than what is our uncertainty.

In conclusion, With the open normalisations we get a robust result, which depends only little on the chosen normalisation of the CS. I am sorry that I have not investigated this earlier. Furthermore, the changes are comparable with what I guessestimated in my notes.

In the old approach, when I had two parameters for the whole data set I used a covariance matrix to determine the error bars. With this "hybrid" fit I decided to determine the error of the radius and normalisations by smearing the data with the gaussian distribution and checking how do the radius and normalisations change. With the new way of fitting, the statistical uncertainty increased from 0.02 to 0.035fm. Furthermore, when considering also the systematic uncertainty the total uncertainty of the radius increased to 0.06fm. To my surprise is the reduced Chi**2 of the fit with Sys. errors almost perfectly one. :)

Now I need to see, how the analysis behaves, if I consider this new radius in my analysis instead of Jan's model. Unfortunately, this takes few days on my computer.

CF Model

I considered CF parameterisation as suggested by Marc. I adjusted the parameters of the model such, that I get the same values for higher momenta. As I result I get a slightly smaller radius, but consistent within our uncertainty.

Two photon

After receiving number from Adrian regarding the Two-photon corrections I also investigated the effect myself. Using Feshbach formula I got the same relative correction as Adrian, i.e., 2.7E-3. This is a fixed number since correction depends only on the angle. I went further and checked paper from Olexander and Marc, which calculated TPE for similar kinematics. Please see Fig. Tomalak.png. There you can see, that the full correction is indeed at the level of 0.25%, for all the energies. Please keep in mind that our epsilon = 0.96. Furthermore, we have on-shell correction included in our calculation, which means that only off-shell part is missing. According to Marc and Olexander, this contributions are for our kinematics smaller than 1E-4, regardless of the kinematics (of course, always assuming elastic limit).


VCS using ChPT calcualtion in Cola++

I tried to estimate the contribution of the VCS diagrams to our simulation. For this I first I got a code from Jure, which I can not compile. Instead, I considered code from Luca Doria, which is already included in Simull++. I considered VCS model and ran the simulation once with and once without BH-part (i.e., only off-shell Born part). This gave me the estimate for the VCS contribution to our simulation.

The plots VCSContributionRatioPlots*.pdf show the results that I got, and you can see, that contributions can be (to my surprise) <= 0.6%. The most affected are the first two points in each kinematic.

2.) 3.) 4.)

VCS correction by Harald

Harald brought back to life Marc's calculator, that uses isobar model. He calculated the correction for Ein=330MeV, Eout = 230MeV, thetaE=15.2deg and obtained much smaller correction. This is to his opinion also much more realistic. Quick averaging over our acceptance gives a correction in order of 10E-4, which can ne neglected in our calculation. Hence, we keep the 0.82fm result.


Systematic undertainty:

I considered Jan's advice and divided systematic uncertainties on point-like and slope-like parts. The point-like uncertainties change each point in different direction. The slope-like uncertainties change all the points in the same direction but for different values.





Last modified 28.10.2016