Meeting No. 1

Converting measured CS offsets to FF:

To be able to calculate FFs from the measured CS differences in the tail region, we need a transformation function, which tells us, how differences in CS reflect differences in the FF. The corresponding function for all three energies is shown below:


To get this function I considered our simulation. For each kin. setting I ran simulation 5 times, each with different scaling of the form-factor (-2%,-1%, 0%, +1% +2%). However, when scaled, both ISR and FSR get scaled. Hence, to get the effect of the ISR only, I need to compare ISR(scaled) + FSR(unscaled) with the ISR(unscaled)+FSR(unscaled). This can be done, by looking at the simulated Vertex-Q2 histograms, fitting the peaks to identify the ISR and FSR parts and then do the comparison. The plot below shows the spectrum for 0% simulation on the left and 2% percent simulation on the right.


Analysis of Snout contribution

Following three plots show the size of the snout effect. This contribution needs to be subtracted from the measured CS ratios, in order to get proper results. The corrections are small for the 495MeV setting but very large for the 195MeV setting.

03.) 04.) 05.)

The size of the correction was determined by estimating how much snout contributes to the measured spectra, by looking at the Vertex plot after performing all the other cuts. The background was parameterized with the exponential function, using data to the left and to the right of the target. The uncertainties were estimated by comparing exponential functions with different ranges. Once determined the fit, I subtracted the background from the data. I was happy with the fit, when the "clean spectrum" matched with the flipped spectrum, assuming left/right rotational asymmetry for the clean spectrum. The following plots show the details of the analysis for the three energy settings:

195MeV (0, 5, 10, 19)

06.) 07.) 08.) 09.)

330MeV (0, 3, 5, 10)

10.) 11.) 12.) 13.)

495MeV (0, 2, 4, 7)

14.) 15.) 16.) 17.)

Analysis of the Target Frame contribution

The following three plots show the contribution of the target frame to the measured spectra for the three beam energies.

18.) 19.) 20.)

To get rid of the Tg. frame correction in the analysis we consider a theta0 cut [-3.8, -1], which represents the upper part of the acceptance. Now it is interesting to see, how the results change if different interval is considered. The easiest thing is to compare the intergral of the vertex plots for different theta0 ranges, ie. R(x) = Vertex(-3.8,x)/Vertex(-3.8,1), for different cuts on Vertex-Z. One sees, that when moving along the theta0 the ratio is not flat, as I had expected. It seems, that acceptance is still large enough that CS depends on the out-of-plane angle. To get rid of the effect we need to apply more strict cuts on Vertex-z. More strict was the cut, more consistent are the results.


Hence, I decided to use in the analysis vertex cut [0,10]mm. To estimate the residual effect of the Target frame, I compared the ratio with the one with the cut [5,10]mm (rescaled to the same number of bins). This is show on the plot below:


Then I fitted this ratio in the region between [-3.0, -2.5] in order to get correction parameter and the corresponding error. I just need to reconsider why I have chosen this range?!

Latest results:

Following two plots show the present status of the results. I have added the 195MeV data so that we can now see the full range in Q2 that we can cover. Furthermore, I have now properly considered the Snout and Frame contributions for the 495MeV setting. In the previous analyses, this was done by a simple approximation. Now I as still trying to determine the best RadCorrFac factors for the elastic settings. Once I will know them, I will run the simulation with full statistics.



Simulation with the Lupolen target:

I have started working on a simulation to see, if the solidstate (Lupolen) target can be used for the ISR experiment. The idea is measure each setting with Lupolen and Carbon targets, and then subtract the two to isolate the Hydrogen spectrum. The question is, how well can we do this. Therefore, I added a new model to the Simul++, which simulates Lupolen target (in the first order Peaking approximation). I compared my results with the data taken during the Calib2014 beam time. Unfortunately are the data available only for spectrometer A. Although the C12 peak dominates, the H spectrum is still clearly visible. Furthermore, when running at low Q2, the excited states will disappear and there will also be no QE peak at low E'.


In the next step I will improve this first attempt and consider our full Hydrogen simulation in order to get a feeling how much statistics would be needed for such experiment and what is the precision that we can expect.